Do Something That Scares You, Every Day

This post appeared first on LinkedIn on 15 February 2018.

I started exploring machine and deep learning and decided to write down my experiences on For days, I doubted whether or not to publish and promote the simple blog I was writing.

The design was too basic...
It had too few articles... Just a few more and then...
It wasn't perfect enough...
A few days ago, I decided to publish it.

I knew it wasn’t perfect, but it didn’t need to be. I know it needs some design improvements, and surely a lot more content… But pressing that button made it real and already a number of people have benefitted from it, and it’s sparking interesting conversations…

Today, I’m sending out my first newsletter and it’s equally scary. If you want, you can still subscribe here. It’s not perfect, but it already contains some interesting things related to deep learning.

Later today, I’ll push that button too. Pushing fear and doubt on the side along with it.

And tomorrow, I’ll find something even scarier.

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